Task 1: Recycling Centre Sorting Game

The Recycling Centre Sorting Game is a printable, fun & educational game that challenges children to sort various items into different recycling bins. It is a great home schooling activity to get your kids acquainted with recycling in your local community.

Little Academy – Task 1:
Recycling Centre Sorting Game

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Teaching children the importance of recycling, and how to do it correctly is a great way to encourage good routines, and make sure they do it throughout their life. It introduces children to positive habits, helps protect and conserve the environment, all while improving their memory and cognitive development through a matching game.

Sorting recycling is an important part of many people’s lives, as it’s an everyday activity.

1. Recycling Centre Printable Game Download & print the user-friendly PDF document
To add some colour why not ask your little recruits to colour them in!